The beginning of a school year is an exciting time. New clothes, new supplies, new teachers and classes. As a parent, you want your student to be successful, but you may not always know what to do to help. If your student is taking a music class this year, here are some tips to get the school year off to a great start.

Get all the dates on your calendar. The music teacher probably already has all the concert dates planned, so get that in your calendar right now and make time for both you and your student to be there. Concerts and other music events can be some of the most memorable experiences you have this school year.

Make sure you have a good-quality instrument. If you don’t already have an instrument for your student, take time to find a high-quality instrument. You might wonder if it’s worth the extra money, but a high-quality instrument can make a huge difference for a beginner. If you aren’t ready to commit to buying an instrument, look into renting from a reputable music store. Found a great deal but you aren’t sure how good the instrument is? Ask your music teacher. They can help you find a good instrument that will fit your budget.

Keep your instrument in great condition. String instruments need regular maintenance to perform their best. The beginning of the school year is a great time to change the strings, check for cracks or split seams, and get the bow rehaired. Regular maintenance checks go a long way in helping your student be successful. 

Make practice a part of your daily routine. Students must practice to improve and feel successful, but most students aren’t motivated to practice on their own. If you stay involved and encourage them to practice daily, students will be much more likely to stick with it. When creating a practice routine, don’t plan for the ideal day. Make a practice routine simple enough so your student can do it even on the worst days when nothing goes to plan. A few minutes of practice every day will go a long way.

Look into private lessons. Private lessons aren’t necessary, but students will improve faster with individualized instruction. Even if you don’t think you have the time or money for lessons right now, look into it and see what’s available. You might find a teacher that works for your situation.

Be enthusiastic and interested! This might be the most important tip of all, because your enthusiasm and support will help your student through the times when they get discouraged and frustrated. Ask your student what they do in class. Have them teach you something on their instrument. Make concerts a special event and bring the whole family! Show them you care and that you’re excited about what they’re learning. Let them know they can do hard things and you’re there to help.

And remember, you’re not in this alone. Us music teachers are here to help in whatever way we can, so come talk to us.

Here’s to a great school year! Let’s start making music!

Starting School? Tips for Helping Your Music Student Succeed
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