Our concert is less than a week away, but I’m ready to be done with this music. Normal rehearsals aren’t cutting it for me anymore. Honestly, I feel like we keep going over the same things and there’s not much
What Does It Look Like to “Practice” Teaching?
It’s mid May and I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting over the last week or two. There are so many things that I want to do differently, do better next school year. I’ve been writing all my ideas down,
Training “Extra Classical” Musicians
This past week Drew Forde (aka ThatViolaKid) sent out a bold message: There is no money in classical music. His article is hard to argue with, and he makes a lot of really great points. I have no doubt he’s
Fun Ways to Get Kids to Practice
January, February, and March are tough months to get through. We just finished all the fun December holidays and spring festivals, tours, and year-end events are still so far away. How do you get your students to stay strong and
Creating a Culture of Excellence: Sharing Your Vision
I have felt kind of stuck for the last couple of years. I get frustrated with myself and my students pretty frequently, and I’m tired of feeling mediocre all the time. This year I’m trying an experiment to see if
Why Should Teachers Get Paid More?
Teachers, can we talk about this for a minute? We all want better pay, but I think we’re going about it the wrong way and we’re doing ourselves a huge disservice. Let me explain by giving you a few examples
What Makes a Successful School Year?
What makes a school year successful? How do you know you’re a good teacher? Can we just talk about this for a minute? It’s the end of the school year and the last few weeks have been a rollercoaster of
What to Do When Your Students Aren’t Motivated
Do you feel like your students are just not very motivated, or does it seem like students are less motivated than they used to be? If so, you aren’t alone. Lack of motivation is one of the most common excuses
Warmups for Orchestra Part 4: Left-Hand Technique
Left-hand skills are the ones generally covered in method books, so it’s likely you are already teaching most if not all of these skills in your classes. Still, left-hand technique covers a lot of ground, so it’s good to take
Warmups for Orchestra Part 3: Right Hand Technique
I’ve heard professors say on multiple occasions that students are often two years behind in right hand skills compared to left hand skills when they get to college. I don’t have any evidence to back that up, but I believe